Friday, May 14, 2010


Hi all! Nothing much new going on around here in Ashleyland...I've managed to lose about 8 pounds in six weeks though HOORAY! I'm trying desperately to get myself in shape as I am woefully overweight (GAH!) People at work are starting to notice too, which, to be totally honest, feels GREAT! It lets me know that all the sweating and pounding away on the treadmill, the endless situps/crunches and everything else is paying off! Along with all the exercise I'm also trying to eat much better than I used to . I've never been an overeater but I did let myself have things that weren't very healthy. Now I'm cutting those things out or, if I do have them, I'll only have a small amount. But I refuse to skimp on my coffee. I don't drink it every day but it's one of the few JOYS that I do have in life and I refuse to drink coffee if it isn't exactly the way I like it. But I'm drinking TONS of water. I don't drink soda so I don't have to worry about that, went to skim milk instead of 1%, no snacking after dinner, things like that. If I'm watching TV instead of just sitting on the couch I'll get up and lift weights or do ab exercises. So, hopefully in about six months I'll have lost at least twenty pounds if not more. Will keep everyone posted!

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